Fund Administration

The board of directors has appointed Wahlestedt and Sageryd AB (WS) as responsible for the fund’s administration. All portfolio transactions carried out or placed by Protect are compiled and reported by WS.

When a portfolio transaction has been executed or placed by Protect the counterparty sends the confirmation to WS electronically. In connection with this, Protect makes a record of the transaction in a WEB-client and WS is thereby immediately aware of the transaction. Then WS “matches” the confirmation from the counterparty with the registration in the WEB-client performed by Protect. WS shall notify Crescit Asset Management discrepancies between the confirmation and Protect’s registration. WS also checks that any commission amounts are consistent with any legally valid agreement with the counterparty. WS instructs the depositary institute for the settlement of portfolio transactions.

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Copyright © Crescit – a fund with stable return to low risk 2019.